tips for working from home

with the spread of coronavirus and the declaration of a national emergency, it’s safe to say that everyone has been busy setting up their home offices. for some - working remote has never been an option. going from working in an office surrounded by co-workers and teammates to working alone at home can be difficult for some (even me). here are some tips i’ve learned while i was a remote employee in college, while traveling to different countries and states on business and while working from home during this pandemic.

stick to a routine

sure, a perk to working from home is not having to get out of your pajamas. however, i find that i am a lot more productive when i actually get ready for the day. look good, feel good, right? i’m not even talking anything special. just change out of what you wore to bed into something else - whether it’s your favorite sweatshirt or a comfy sweater, changing will make a big difference.

just start each day like you did before. go for that morning run, make some breakfast, brew some coffee, listen to your favorite podcast - do whatever you have to do to get in the right mindset for the day.

it’s also important to end your day with a routine. there’s no leaving the office like before. find something that helps you officially sign off for the day.

organize your calendar

i’m the type of person who has everything in my planner / calendar. i think it helps when you block out times in your calendar for specific things throughout the day, especially while working from home. block time for breaks if you have to, make sure to eat lunch, and definitely block time for tasks that are a priority that day. color coding is a huge help, too.

take breaks

think about it - when you work in the office, are you really sitting down without moving for 8 hours? it’s important to take breaks when working from home. those breaks may look like meditating, taking a walk, making lunch or calling a friend. it’s okay to step away from your computer if it means you’ll feel refreshed and productive once you come back.

create a good workspace

understand what type of worker you are. what do you need to help you work efficiently? it’s important to create a workspace that will help you work the same way you do while you’re in the office. buy a desk, find a comfy chair, set up a monitor, and get to it. get comfortable but not too comfortable. i like to light a diffuser or a candle, sit by the window and play some music in the background while i work.

over communicate with your team

things can get lost in translation via email and messaging platforms sometimes. if you aren’t sure what someone is expecting from you, just ask. it’s important to over communicate so that your team knows that you are responsive and taking this work from home thing seriously.

use video while on calls

you may not look your best while working from home but i think it’s still important to get that ‘face time’. i know for me, it helps me actually engage and pay attention to the conversation. it will also motivate you to get up and get dressed for the day!

stay positive

overall, the most important thing is to stay positive! i know it can be hard to work from home while also social distancing but we will all get through it, together.